Ekende Congolese thumb piano with 9 iron tongues. It forms a set of three with Okpirih and Ubah. Egbong A wooden drum with a baritone voice used by the Igede people of Nigeria. Since then the transverse flute has enjoyed a constant popularity and is currently one of the most played instruments in Europe. Edakka An hourglass shaped drum beaten with one stick from Kerala. In addition, a previously unattainable technical virtuosity was made possible by a completely new key system that made Romantic repertoire playable for the first time. This model completely replaced the recorder due to its new characteristics: it was made of metal for the first time, which made it possible to achieve a significant increase in volume and range. The transverse flute proved to be the better orchestral instrument because of its more present sound and, as the orchestras grew in size in the classical and romantic periods, it developed into today’s Boehm flute.

For the first time there was an explicit distinction between the “ flauto dolce” (recorder) and the “ flauto traverso” (transverse flute) as their Italian names illustrate. Since then, it has enjoyed constant recognition as a serious instrument especially, but not exclusively, as a first instrument for children’s musical education.ĭuring the baroque period the transverse flute, which had fallen somewhat into oblivion until then, came back into the spotlight. During the 18th century, however, it was forgotten or replaced by other instruments and only regained its popularity in the mid-20th century.

In the 3 centuries that followed it was by far the most popular wind instrument, also because of its tonal proximity to the human voice.